Leni charles



My turn to spiritual healing is not a coincidence, a trend, or a sudden shift in interest. I've always been drawn to the beauty of things, particularly the blend of aesthetics and functionality, which led me to study graphic design. Initially passionate about photography, I found graphic design more challenging and enriching, deepening my understanding of the origins and future developments in design.

Design taught me the power of creation and the universal act of bringing something into existence through intention, spirit, time, and love.


I became fascinated by the Golden Ratio, a natural geometry that governs both human creation and nature, embodying principles of proportion, symmetry, and growth.

However, the Golden Ratio is more than a theoretical concept for me. It's a tangible connection to the world around me, whether I'm observing the curves of a shell, the unfurling of ferns, or finding comfort in the fetal position before sleep. To me, it signifies the interconnectedness of all things.

Through my research, I discovered that everything in nature, from atoms to galaxies, follows sacred geometric forms—an ancient science that reveals the energy patterns organizing the universe. These patterns reflect a hidden order, a principle of self-organization that underlies all creation. By attuning to this, we connect with the inherent harmony of nature BEYOND LABELS. BEYOND ISMS.

Understanding sacred geometry helps us recognize the underlying order in all creation and appreciate our own innate beauty and harmony as part of this vast design.


  • In the 1990s, the ethnologist and sociologist Andreas Obrecht wrote that those who practice laying on of hands use the concept of free energy flow to explain the healing effect. Healers see themselves as a channel for the spiritual, subtle world, allowing the creation energy to flow through them to the person being treated. During the energy transmission, the healer enters a meditative state to open themselves up to the healing energy flow.

  • According to Bittscheidt, healing occurs "through contact with the higher layers of our own consciousness and ultimately with the highest and divine consciousness, traces of which each of us carries within."

  • To explain spiritual healing physically, we must look closer at the world of quantum physics. Quanta are subatomic particles that move independently of space and time, both in the microcosm and the macrocosm. These light quanta of radiation come from living cells and are therefore called biophotons.

    Biophotons not only stimulate molecules to undergo chemical reactions, but also move them into suitable positions through electromagnetic field forces. Without biophotons, we would quickly collapse into a sort of chemical cell mush. Furthermore, biophotons inform other cells about what is happening within the cell community. This is what enables an organized communication about growth, coordination, and differentiation.

    The most important carrier of biophoton radiation is DNA.

    Dr. Jeffrey Thompson was part of a research team in the 1990s that participated in an experiment to confirm the following thesis: our emotions can influence our DNA, even if it is located thousands of kilometers away from us. Fields are the basis of all forces, and the carriers of these fields are fluctuating waves. These force fields are energy structures that order our reality. Since the 1920s, quantum physicists have been in consensus about the approach of all-encompassing wholeness, namely that our mind, our body, and the entire universe are interwoven by a universal energy field. Furthermore, the biologist Sheldrake offers a groundbreaking idea, namely the existence of morphic fields, which are responsible for order, regularity, and constancy in the universe. This means that morphic fields are overarching spiritual structures that store temporally dimensional information, resulting from creation but also capable of long-term change.

  • Humans, as well as all flora and fauna, emit light. Biophoton light is very weak, but it is clearly detectable with highly sensitive light measuring devices (photomultipliers). According to current knowledge, the light ranges from ultraviolet to infrared. It is the most stable and consistent light known. According to quantum physicist Fritz-Albert Popp, head of the International Institute for Biophysics in Neuss, living beings are open systems that receive external energy. The continuous input of energy from sunlight and food allows for the ongoing emission of light quanta, or biophotons. Although this radiation is not visible to our eyes, as it is about as strong as the light from a candle visible from 20 km away, it is still present.

  • From the teachings of quantum theory, one can draw the following conclusions: quantum objects have a field character, and they are not bound to a specific location. In other words, they can be in several places simultaneously. Only through our observation do they manifest as particles in normal space-time; the field "materializes" at a specific point. All material things are manifestations in consciousness!

  • The intention behind spoken or thought words is very important in spiritual healing. The teachings of quantum philosophy show us that every material development is the result of spiritual causes. Healers have the task of sensing the energy field in the body. With their help, positive thought streams can be directed and thus can also influence healing processes. Healing can occur through prayers filled with love and positive affirmations—through self-healing processes.

  • Morphic fields and aether are related concepts, but they are not the same.

    Morphic fields, a term popularized by biologist Rupert Sheldrake, refer to invisible fields that shape the behavior, development, and patterns of organisms and systems. Sheldrake's theory suggests that these fields carry information and memory, influencing everything from biological forms to social groups.

    Aether, on the other hand, is a more ancient concept rooted in classical physics. It was once believed to be a universal substance or medium that filled space and allowed light and electromagnetic waves to propagate. In the 19th century, the idea of aether was widely accepted as the medium through which light traveled. However, the concept of aether was largely abandoned after the Michelson-Morley experiment in 1887 and the development of Einstein's theory of relativity, which showed that light does not require a medium to travel.

    In essence, while both concepts deal with an invisible and pervasive force or field, morphic fields are associated with biological and informational patterns, whereas aether was a hypothesized physical medium in space. They represent different ideas within different scientific and philosophical frameworks.


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